
Monday, 29 September 2014

Bookish birthday cakes

My birthday was earlier this month, so I've had a huge missed opportunity. HOWEVER - laying down the gauntlet... - this means that if there's anyone out there who feels they're up for the challenge, I'll happily accept one of these cakes in early September 2015! Seriously, how cool are they?! I suspect that Peter over at Kyusireader may well be issuing a similar challenge, there's one cake in this line up that has his name written all over it!

In other matters, apologies to regular readers - and I see there have been a lot of you in the last month or so. I've not been well, hence the lack of posts. I have been reading though, and will endeavour to do some catch up posts soon. Thanks for staying with me.


  1. What a wonderful link. I liked the snitches and the Penguin books cake for the vintage and hip!

    1. Hi Alex!
      I loved the Penguin cake, and I have a soft spot for The Raven, so the Poe cake did it for me too.
      Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Belated Happy Birthday, Kaz!
    Oh my goodness! Penguin book cakes! Just the thing to end my sugar fast for the past few months!

    1. Thanks Peter!
      I expect to see a pic on your blog of that cake when you have it!!

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