
Monday 26 January 2015

Booklover conundrums

I know, I know...I've not posted forever... I'm reading. And I'm reading with a view to writing what I'm reading about - but it's just not happening, and I don't know why. I will get back into a routine - once life itself settles a little bit. A lot of things are up in the air at present, with an impending interstate move being a significant item, although with a number of other factors preventing us from settling on exactly when that might be. So, books are becoming a refuge again, to escape too many unknowns, and writing about them means I need to think a little bit differently as I read.

I did find this on my Facebook feed this morning, and it amused me - someone's been inside my head!

No.5 really struck me - I have dust jackets folded INTO their books carefully, as well as laid on one of the bookshelves...! (pic pulled from the net, I don't have this book - but it does look fun!) How many of you can find yourselves on this list?

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